
Triathlon Is A Team Sport!

Apr 16, 2019

It’s 5:45AM on a Sunday when Jose and I meet at Heckscher to do our long run. It’s pitch-black. I put on my headlamp and we get started. By the first step I know this run is going to be tough. The pace is faster than I feel comfortable with and my legs are tired from the week of training. It’s silent as we run through the darkness. A few minutes later Jose asks, “Are you OK?” … “Yeah, why?” I respond. “Because you seem to be pounding the ground…I never notice that with you”. “Great!”, I think to myself. “This is going to be a long morning!” I suffer those first 3 miles before we stop for a bathroom break. After that, on the trails, I put all my efforts into one thing, focusing on Jose’s back and staying with him. That’s all I have the energy for. "Just keep moving forward and stay with Jose” I tell myself. We don’t even talk. We don’t need to. We have each other’s company and that’s enough. Eventually the pace becomes more doable as my body settles into the effort. Three miles turns into 13 and we finish feeling ecstatic! That’s the power of training with others!

As we approach the start of the triathlon season, I start to anticipate the workouts ahead that I will be doing with my athletes.  I’m excited for groups to be formed and for people to experience the power for training with others. It’s inevitable that we will be training alone at times, but I believe that those workouts with friends and teammates are the best. In my 22 years in the sport I have come to appreciate the people and the memories over the PR’s and placings. I’m looking forward to the team workouts and team races planned for 2019, culminating in October at the Ironman World Championships with my good friend and training partner Bob Spina. I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2019 tri season...goodbye winter and hello tri season!

Here are some pics of the group runs, trail races and ultras that the crew has been up to this winter.  Happy and healthy training :-)